Tuesday, February 10, 2009

090210 Barbara

5 rounds for time, rest 3 minutes between each round:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Situps
50 Squats

ROUNDS: 2:47, 3:42, 5:31, 5:44, 5:20
Total time: 23:04

Barbara - Oct. 6, 2008: 4:30,5:20,9:30,9:50(F),NO ROUND FIVE… TOTAL: 29:10

Last time I was 6 minutes slower than today, and I quit during the fourth round because I didn’t want to pass out, or vom, or pass out and vom. Big improvement.

Felt great all day, and destroyed the WOD. Though, after I finished, I did get the feeling that I was literally going to die.


Anonymous said...

Looks good mano, great work on Barbara. Do you feel like you're seeing an uptick in performance?

Chad said...

Absolutely, the zone is working. W/O the zone, I think I would've been able to finish, but a lot slower. I've gotten a lot better at pullups and pushups, and I didn't break my situps at all, but it was in the squats that I most felt a significant boost in performance. Even in the later rounds, I was able to fly through 25 squats before burning out, and then it was 5, 10, 10 to finish up - except round four, which was prob. something like 25,1,4,5,5,10.